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Understanding the different types cholestrol is crucial in making informed decisions on your dietery health. Contrary to popular belief, cholestrol is generally a type of fat essential in your cells and even hormone composition. 

 However, cholesterol can be grouped into two main types, Low Density Lipoproteins (LDL) ‘bad’ and High Density Lipoproteins (HDL) ‘good’ cholesterol.The ‘bad’ LDL cholesterol is actually a type of protein in the body that transports cholesterol to your cells as part of cellular structural composition. Thus, in hindsight it’s not really “bad” unless it’s in excess and the rest accumulates in your arteries. That’s when it generally becomes really dangerous as it causes your artery walls to narrow and reduce blood flow to an organ such as the heart or even the brain. Reduced circulation to that organ can cause damage to the cells of that organ leading to dysfunction and in severe cases, death.

The HDL, is thought of as the good cholesterol as it is a type of protein that transports cholesterol from your arteries to your liver and prevents cholesterol buildup in the arteries. At healthy levels, it can therefore protect against stroke (reduced blood to the brain) or heart attack due to reduced blood to the heart.

To asses your cholesterol levels, doctors usually need to take your lipid ‘fat’ profile. This is a blood test that shows the different levels of your good and bad cholesterol. The test is efficient in determining your risk of heart problems. 

Maintaining a good lifestyle such as a healthy diet and exercise is important in keeping your LDL and HDL at safe levels . In some cases medications may be used to manage the cholesterol particularly if they are out of balance.